
What are THC oils?

THC is obtained from the cannabis plant and is known for its health benefits. THC oil, a solution with delta-9-tetrahydrocannbinol (THC), is the best-known cannabinoid of the hemp plant. THC is also used medicinally, with users speaking of an analgesic, relaxing, anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effect.


Medical use of concentrated THC oil

There are marked differences in the knowledge on the medical uses of cannabis and cannabinoids in different diseases. For nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, anorexia and cachexia in HIV/AIDS, chronic, especially neuropathic pain, spasticity in multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury there is strong evidence for medical benefits. For many other indications, such as epilepsy, pruritus and depression there is much less available data. However, the scientific evidence for a specific indication does not necessarily reflect the actual therapeutic potential for a given disease.

Clinical studies with single cannabinoids or whole plant preparations (smoked cannabis, cannabis extract) have often been inspired by positive anecdotal experiences of patients employing crude cannabis products. The anti-emetic, the appetite enhancing, relaxing effects, analgesia, and therapeutic use in Tourette’s syndrome were all discovered in this manner.

Incidental observations have also revealed therapeutically useful effects. This occurred in a study with patients with Alzheimer’s disease wherein the primary issue was an examination of the appetite-stimulating effects of THC. Not only appetite and body weight increased, but disturbed behaviour among the patients also decreased. The discovery of decreased intraocular pressure with THC administration in the beginning of the 1970s was also serendipitous. Additional interesting indications that have not been scientifically investigated, but remain common problems in modern medicine may benefit from treatment with cannabis or cannabinoids. For this reason, surveys have been conducted questioning individuals that use cannabis therapeutically. They were conducted either as oral non-standardized interviews in the course of investigations of state or scientific institutions (House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology in the UK, Institute of Medicine in the USA) on the therapeutic potential of cannabis or as anonymous surveys using standardized questionnaires.

Possible effects of THC

One of the most famous properties of THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis. Nevertheless, tetrahydrocannabinol has many therapeutic properties as described above and has, among others, pain-relieving, muscle-relaxing, anti-inflammatory and nausea-reducing, appetite-stimulating properties, which makes the versatile effects of cannabis-containing drugs and medicinal cannabis plants are remarkable.

The effect of THC is not only dependent on the dose, but it is also very different from person to person. Tetrahydrocannabinol does not have the same effect on everyone, but rather a different one on each individual.

Effects of THC

·      pain

·      muscle spasticity

·      glaucoma (green star)

·      insomnia

·      poor appetite

·      nausea

·      fear

Various THC oils (cannabis oil)

Hundreds of herbal cannabinoids are able to interact harmoniously with the body’s endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is a biological unit shared by both humans and other animals, and contains numerous receptors that are constantly active in the body to promote homeostasis – i.e. a true state of optimal balance and well-being. The two types of receptors are CB1 – mainly focused on neurological cells; and CB2 – located in the immune tissue. When various molecular compounds enter the body (especially cannabinoids), this can have a positive effect on the endocannabinoid system, depending on the exact structure of the molecule.

Many people are unaware that “THC” is not a specific association with a genetic fingerprint. There are several variations of THC called chemical analogs, and these analogs distinguish different types of THC from one another. These unique THC compounds share some similarities and relatively minor differences. These differences affect how the body reacts to them and whether they conform to the law.

Cannabis products: THC products

Depending on the country, THC products can be prescribed under strict conditions in form of a  medical prescription. Only if alternative medications do not help a patient can the doctors prescribe the THC medication. Medical THC products are very expensive, which can repeatedly lead to conflicts with the health insurance companies.

The following THC products are available on the market and are mostly subject to the BtMG: Narcotics Act (in Germany):

  • Medicines containing THC (as capsules)
  • Dronabinol preparations (Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol)
  • Dried cannabis flowers (for inhalation)
  • Nabilone preparations (Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol), e.g. Canames product
  • Sativex – fully approved spray – 27mg THC + 25mg CBD – approved in 22 countries 


What’s important when it comes to cannabis products?

When buying legalized CBD products as well as the so-called prescription THC drugs, one should not look primarily at the prices, but rather at the conditions under which the cannabis plants are grown.

  • The quality issues with regard to the following factors play a major role:
  • Cultivation (organic cultivation), production in Europe
  • Free from pesticides and additives
  • The quality of the water (free of harmful substances)
  • Optimal climatic conditions (lots of sun and warm temperature)
  • Certified manufacturer
  • Regular laboratory quality control


Swiss Green Rose is in the process of implementing all of these quality-related criteria and would like to help many people get their health under control with cannabis plants of the highest quality.